Larne Pool League will kick off its' new season on Thursday 5th September at 8.00pm. Fifteen teams will compete for all the titles on offer in what promises to be another fantastic season.
Our new Committee was elected as follows -
Chairman - Bill McIlroy Sr
Secretary - William Irvine
Treasurer - Jean McIlroy
Vice Chairman - Scott Hutchinson
General Member - Jason Voorhees
Teams -
Clonlee (St Comgalls Club)
St Comgalls (St Comgalls Club)
Blues (Q.Club)
Eight Ball Army (Q.Club)
Q.Stars (Q.Club)
Marty's Legends (Q.Club)
Q.Club Seniors (Q.Club)
Get Em Racked (Station Bar)
Station Bar (Station Bar)
Railway (Station Bar)
LB<C (A) (Bowling & Tennis Club)
LB<C (B) (Bowling & Tennis Club)
Legion Blue Stars (Royal British Legion)
Slippys Two (Pigeon Club)
Ibrox (Rangers Club)
Other -
£50 Team registration payment deadline Thursday 29th August
£5 Player registration fees deadline Thursday 12th September
Player name deadlines Monday 2nd September
League App Live to be used as our scoring system
Captain's meetings first Thursday of each month at 7.15pm in St Comgalls Club
If a League Play Off is necessary it will take place the first Thursday after the final set of League fixtures. Any such Play Off will take place in a neutral venue after a bidding process.
Nomination are open for our annual Charity Fundraising appeal.
NIPA Towns Cup Captains as follows -
'A' Team - Barney Hylands
'B' Team - Jason Voorhees
'C' Team - Jason Voorhees