Constitutional Rules

1. There shall be no discrimination of any kind.

2. A £50 registration fee must be paid before the fixtures go to print and player’s names registered. 12 player’s maximum at any one time. All teams must collect £5 per player and return to league treasurer by start of league week 1.

2A. Once player names are received by committee any player who has been registered for more than one team shall be asked to select one team only that he/she will be committing too before the league starts.

3. The committee has the right to refuse any team or player they suspect will not benefit the league.

4. Any team captain or player contacting the sponsors without authorisation may be barred from the league.

5. The committee shall consist of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and 1 General Committee member. Any committee member missing more than 3 meetings per season may be asked to step down. At least 1 delegate from every team should be present at meetings. If a team misses 3 consecutive Delegate meetings, they will be fined £10 which will go to our nominated charity for that season. If this is unpaid before or at the next delegates meeting, that team will be deducted 1 point.

6. Any delegate attending a meeting under the influence of excess alcohol will be asked to leave.

7. All teams must register their home table within a 10 miles radius of Larne Town Hall.

8. A team not turning up for a match shall be fined £10, which will go the nominated charity. If this is not paid by next delegates meeting they shall be deducted 1 point. A team not turning up for 2 matches in a season will be brought before the committee to account for their absences. It is at the committee’s discretion if the team is suspended or ejected from the league.

9. Teams playing unregistered players will lose points. These will be awarded to the opposition.

9A. If a team folds during the first half of the season all league fixtures played shall become void. If a team folds during the second half of the season the league results from the first half shall stand but fixtures already played in the second half become void.

10. If any player is barred from any of the venues used by the different teams it is at the discretion of the bar owner or Club Committee whether to let the player enter the venue.

11. The secretary will retain all registration forms; the maximum number of players is 12. All forms to be returned by week 1 of the league calendar. New signings can be made between day 1 after the last league fixture of the year and on the eve of the fixtures restarting in the New Year at the cost of £5 per player. Transfers between teams are set at £35 per player. All forms to be returned by 8pm of week 1 of the league calendar.

12. All teams are copyright to the captain who registers them at the start of the season. The wording of the team name must have a close association to their home venue they represent.

13. A team panel will consist of between 6-12 players for league registration.

14. A team must have a minimum of 5 players for both the league and cup. A team is permitted to play with 4 players once per season. A team who will have less players in a match than what is needed to fulfil a fixture must play those players in ascending order from frame 1 in each session. Match nights are a Thursday if not they will forfeit the fixture.

15. Team captains must ensure that all 1-16 frames in a league match are completed in the spirit of the game. Penalties may be incurred otherwise.
16. Away teams have exclusive use of the table from 7:45pm with the draw for the order of players to be made between 7:50 and 8:00pm. All matches should start at 8:00pm. Both team captains shall manage this and use common sense and discretion in doing so. In the event of a teams late arrival, that team will have a frame deducted for every 15 minutes they are late. All players have a 3 minute grace from when the balls are racked to start their frame, failure to do so results in loss of frame.

17. If a team has a valid reason (the committee will decide if its valid) for not playing a match, they must inform the secretary who in turn will inform the other team 48 hours before the match. If postponed the committee will set a new date.

17A. If a match is postponed it must be played on the 3rd Monday after the postponements unless the 2 team captains agree a date in between. eg. If a match was due to be played on Thursday 1st and is postponed it must be played on Monday 19th unless the 2 captains agree a date in between. All postponements to be authorised by the committee.

18. Any disputes about a fixture or result must be made in writing (email acceptable) by the team captain only and given to the secretary within 48 hours of midnight on match night. The committee will investigate all protests. After a decision has been made on an issue it may be appealed at a fee of £25 which must be paid before any hearing. An individual may contact the Committee over any other concern. The appeal to be at a full delegate meeting of all the teams with the Chairman having the casting vote.

19. The committee may investigate any issue that they feel may be detrimental to the well being of the Larne and District Pool League.

20. The referee in charge of the frame has the final decision of any query.

21. No coaching at any time. If coaching persists the referee can give a warning. If it still persists he can award the frame against the player involved. If the referee is deemed to be coaching the captain of the other team can ask for him to be replaced by another referee. (see also EBA Rule 8c)

22. If players are not trying to develop the frame the referee may warn them, if there is no change s/he may call a 9 ball re-rack. (See EBA Rule 8g)

23. If a team has 2 players or more representing Northern Ireland at any EBA Event, that team may if they wish with the committees approval to postpone any match which coincides with the same date.

24. The league secretary must be notified immediately of any change of captain and give his/her contact number.

25. Phone/text/email match results once the match is over, scorecards must be returned on the night of a meeting. The winning team is to retain the scorecard and in the event of a draw the home team is to detain the scorecard.

26. All players or teams holding perpetual trophies are responsible for upkeep; any damage will be their responsibility. Cost for repair or lost trophies will be levied to that player or team.

27. If a team does not show up for a fixture the opposing team shall be awarded the win. The winning captain shall nominate his players to receive points towards the POTY table. All players in the no show team will get 0 points. POTY points consist of maximum 3 frames per league match (play off not included) End of season table will back count most wins and losses to define a winner.

28. League Title decider:- To define positions
(a) Head to Head League results between teams. (not score based)
(b) Frames from all other fixtures not included
(c) Committee will nominate a play off. Playoff to be played in Q Club Table 3 which is a neutral table.

29. Teams finishing season level on points to define Consolation Cup positions.
(a) Head to Head league results between teams.
(b) Frames won – lost

30. Consolation Cups the number of teams allotted into each cup will be reviewed annually on the basis of the number of teams registered at the start of the season. Consolation Cup draw to be decided by league positions not draw. For example Bottom 4 cup would be 13 vs 16 and 14 vs 15.

31. The baulk line and black spot must be visible and tables must be in a reasonable state of play. A rest and a spider should be made available by all home teams but team captains are advised to carry a portable spider/rest head in case otherwise. If a rest/spider is not made available by the home side they are liable to a £10 fine to be paid to the league. If this is not paid at the next meeting they shall be deducted 1 point.

32. All home teams are are responsible to make sure matches are played with 1 7/8” spotted white Cueball. Failure to do so will result in a £10 fine which will go to the leagues nominated charity. This is payable at the next delegates meeting. If this is not paid a 1 point deduction will be incurred.

33. The Larne and District League individuals is open to all players with a BT40 Postcode outside of this players must have played a minimum of 5 frames in the league prior to the start of the Individuals. This will be in corporation with the Sponsor.

34. Standard reds and yellows balls to be used, But if a home team wishes to use the new pro cup balls they may do so.

35. In the event of a team disbanding at the end of the season with unpaid fines etc. Any player from that team attempting to start their own team or joining an existing one shall incur a £10 fine to be added to their player registration fee.

36. In the event of the disbandment of the Larne and District pool league all monies in the said bank account after all liabilities are settled shall be divided between member teams.

37. The Committee reserve the right to add or amend this constitution at any time.

38. EBA ball in hand rule introduced. Opponent needs to pick up cue ball for opponent if they request a lift. Not in play when referees are involved.

39. Young Player of the Year criteria. Player must be under 23 on the 1st January same rule as NIPA guidelines.

40. All Individuals except Richard Bowen to be £10 entry.