2023/2024 SEASON PRE AGM

Larne Pool League held their PRE AGM for the upcoming 2023/2024 season on Thursday 10th August in the St.Comgalls Club.

A high level of interest has shown seventeen application forms in circulation around six local venues. Anyone else wishing to apply for League membership can fill in a application form in the Q.Club before the main AGM.

Business and motions to be discussed and voted on at the AGM on Thursday 24th.August at 7pm as follows.

Any nominations for our annual Charity fundraising to be put forward.

All team Captain's or Delegates to pay £50 to register their team.

All registered players to receive upcoming competition notification.

New earlier starting time for fixtures.

Start of fifth frame, player's six and seven to be put into the App and at start of 10th frame players eleven and twelve to be put in. This is to save time and keep matches running smoother.

Reasons for transfers between teams mid season.

New format for title decider if Teams tied at top.


Larne Pool League AGM 2023  

Thursday 24th August 7.00pm.


Previous minutes of last AGM

Points arising from previous minutes

Apologies/ Roll Call

Secretary's Report

Treasurers  Report

Chairman's Report

Election of Officers

Team Registration and Fees

Charity Appeal 2023

Any Motions


Chair - Bill McIlroy Sr

Secretary - William Irvine

Vice Chair & Assistant Secretary - Scott Hutchinson

Treasurer - Alex Irvine