B2 Standard Draw (EVENT 6)
Neil McFaul V Darren McClelland
Alaister Law V Stephen Higgins
Nick McClay V Gary Peoples
Micky O'Boyle V Andy Hunter
Mark Wilson V Rab Wilson
Paul Smyth V Ian Boal
Andrew Abram V Rodney McIlhinney
Andy McWilliams V Ciaran O'Toole
Sean Davison V Gary McCorry
Hugo Manson V Marty Kane
Alex Irvine V Ryan Scott
Ciaran Reid V Gareth Fears
Ian McCalmont V Jim Allen
Rab Brown V Jordan Peoples
Chris McGuicken V Bryan McWhirter
Stephen Peoples V Maryjo McCourt
LAST 32 matches to be played by Wednesday 4th October
LAST 16 matches to be played by Saturday 14th October
LAST 8 matches to be played by Sunday 22nd October
LAST 4 matches to be played by Sunday 29th October
EVENT 7 Draw takes place Sunday 29th October
To enter, call William on 07814 006197, th Club on 02828 268268 or Facebook Q-Club Larne
Races to 11, entry fee £20
EVENT 1 - Rab Wilson
EVENT 2 - Darren McClelland
EVENT 3 - Bryan McWhirter
EVENT 4 - Gary McCorry
EVENT 5 - Micky O'Boyle