The thirty ninth annual presentation night of the Larne & District Pool League took place on Thursday 19th May 2022 with a good turnout to see all the awards under the League umbrella being handed out. Distribution of the awards was more evenly balanced amongst the teams than previous seasons. The Q.Club as the main sponsor hosted the event with other sponsors SKC Gaming and McClays Trophies and Engraving joining Alan and Martin Bowen to assist the Committee on the night. Thanks to the Legionaires Pool Team who looked after the ballot on the night which raised £124.50 for our nominated Charity, Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke. The Charity cheque will now be presented on Tuesday 24th May with the final amount for the season reaching a fantastic £411.40. A big thanks to John Kerr for the photography, Jean McIlroy for running the League App Live scoring system and to Robert Hawkins our website Administrator.

League Champions - St Comgalls

Knock Out Cup Winners - Ibrox

League Individual Winner - Shaun McAlister (Station Bar)

League Seniors Individual Winner -Anthony McCorry (St Comgalls)

League Masters Individual Winner - Gerry McCorry (St Comgalls)

Richard Bowen Memorial Winner - Ryan Marcus (St Comgalls)

Three A Sides Winners - Ryan Marcus (St Comgalls), Gerry McCorry (St Comgalls), Gary Wallace (Ibrox)

Doubles Winners - Bill McIlroy Sr & Nick McClay (Q.Stars)

Player of the Year Winner - Shared, John Kerr (Eight Ball Army), Dean McDonagh (St Comgalls)

Premier Cup - Station Bar

Consolation Cup - Blues


Photographs from Awards Night to follow