The 2017-2018 Season beckons
This coming Thursday is the 2017-2018 season Larne & District Pool League AGM. Any team wishing to be considered for inclusion into our League please send your Team Rep along to the No 1 Club at 7.30pm.
Team Reps who were unable to attend the Pre AGM are asked to uplift Team Application Forms from the Q.Club premises.
From last seasons 14 teams -
9 have renewed their application (Clonlee, St Comgalls, Ibrox, Gers, Rubys Stars, Q.Pool, Q.Club, Station Bar, Feathers)
3 new applications 1new team playing out of Pigeon Club and 2 out of the Q.Club (Blues and Freewheelers)
2 still to declare (Saints and Thatch Rockets)
Points of Note for the AGM, Thursday 31st August
* All the main Executive Committee members are seeking re-election to their posts
* AGM is deadline for returning Team Application Forms
* League Fixtures will be confirmed promptly.
* Registering a Team costs £50 if paid on the night of the AGM, £60 otherwise
* AGM is deadline for return of Sponsorship Tender Forms
* At the AGM Reps will receive Player Registration Forms